- Litigated trademark infringement claims on behalf of national restaurant chain.
- Defended real estate developer against contract and copyright and trademark infringement claims.
- Obtained favorable settlement of bankruptcy claims against computer component distributor.
- Defended DRAM product manufacturer against unfair competition and trade secret claims.
- Prosecuted patent infringement claims on behalf of semiconductor packaging design company in federal district court and International Trade Commission.
- Represented graphics software company in defense of right of publicity and misappropriation of identity claims brought by rock band.
- Obtained dismissal of fraud claims brought against supplier of automated diagnostic systems.
- Counseled start-up internet company with respect to trademark and trade secret issues.
- Assisted in researching and drafting multiple motions to dismiss federal securities class actions based on plaintiffs’ failure to plead loss causation and/or scienter.
- Defended corporate executives against accounting fraud charges.